Session SDK Overview
The session.js JavaScript library allows you to collect sensitive payment details from the payer in fields hosted by the gateway. Use this library if you want to control the layout and styling of your payment page, while reducing PCI compliance costs. The gateway collects the payment details from the payer and stores them in a payment session. You can then include the payment session in place of the payment details in the transaction request to process a payment. For full details see Implementing a Hosted Session Integration. The library also has support for collecting multiple sets of payment details on the same payment page, see Multiple Hosted Session for details.
Supported only in API version 18 and later.
URL Copied to clipboard<MERCHANTID>/session.js
Functions Copied to clipboard
Configures the Hosted Session interaction.
Stores the input from the hosted field into the session.
Sets focus on the specified hosted field.
Sets the styling attributes for the specified hosted fields when the focus is gained.
Sets the styling attributes for the specified hosted fields when a mouse hover occurs.
Sets the content of the hidden label for the specified hosted field.
Sets the styling attributes for the placeholder text for the specified hosted fields.
Sets the styling attributes for the specified hosted fields when the placeholder text is visible.
Validates all hosted fields configured for specified payment type.
Set language in hosted Session and call POI if card number is present
Callbacks Copied to clipboard
Invoked when the hosted field has gained focus.
Invoked when the hosted field has lost focus.
Invoked when the input value in the hosted field has changed.
Invoked when a mouse over event occurs in the hosted field.
Invoked when a mouse out event occurs in the hosted field.
Invoked when the card BIN is detected or changed in the card number field.
Invoked when the card type is detected or changed in the card number field.
Invoked when the emptiness status changes in the hosted field.
Invoked when the validation result changes in the hosted field.
Example Copied to clipboard
<html> <head> <!-- INCLUDE SESSION.JS JAVASCRIPT LIBRARY --> <script src="<MERCHANTID>/session.js"></script> <!-- APPLY CLICK-JACKING STYLING AND HIDE CONTENTS OF THE PAGE --> <style id="antiClickjack">body{display:none !important;}</style> </head> <body> <!-- CREATE THE HTML FOR THE PAYMENT PAGE --> <div>Please enter your payment details:</div> <h3>Credit Card</h3> <div>Card Number: <input type="text" id="card-number" class="input-field" title="card number" aria-label="enter your card number" value="" tabindex="1" readonly></div> <div>Expiry Month:<input type="text" id="expiry-month" class="input-field" title="expiry month" aria-label="two digit expiry month" value="" tabindex="2" readonly></div> <div>Expiry Year:<input type="text" id="expiry-year" class="input-field" title="expiry year" aria-label="two digit expiry year" value="" tabindex="3" readonly></div> <div>Security Code:<input type="text" id="security-code" class="input-field" title="security code" aria-label="three digit CCV security code" value="" tabindex="4" readonly></div> <div>Cardholder Name:<input type="text" id="cardholder-name" class="input-field" title="cardholder name" aria-label="enter name on card" value="" tabindex="5" readonly></div> <div><button id="payButton" onclick="pay('card');">Pay Now</button></div> <h3>Gift Card</h3> <div>Card Number: <input type="text" id="gift-card-number" class="input-field" value="" readonly></div> <div>Pin:<input type="text" id="gift-card-pin" class="input-field" value="" readonly></div> <div><button id="payButton" onclick="pay('giftCard');">Pay With Gift Card</button></div> <h3>Automated Clearing House</h3> <div> <label class="control-label" id="ach-account-type-label">Account Type:</label> <select class="form-control col-sm-6" name="ach-account-type" id="ach-account-type"> <option value="CONSUMER_SAVINGS">Consumer Savings Account</option> <option value="CONSUMER_CHECKING" selected>Consumer Checking Account</option> <option value="CORPORATE_CHECKING">Business Checking Account</option> </select> </div> <div>Bank Account Holder:<input type="text" id="ach-account-holder" class="input-field" value="" readonly></div> <div>Bank Account Number:<input type="text" id="ach-account-number" class="input-field" value="" readonly></div> <div>Bank Account Number Confirmation:<input type="text" id="ach-account-number-confirmation" class="input-field" value="" readonly></div> <div>Routing Number:<input type="text" id="ach-routing-number" class="input-field" value="" readonly></div> <div><button id="payButton" onclick="pay('ach');">Pay With ACH</button></div> <hr> <!-- DISPLAY VISA CHECKOUT AND AMEX EXPRESS CHECKOUT AS A PAYMENT OPTION ON YOUR PAYMENT PAGE --> <!-- REPLACE THE action URL with the payment URL on your webserver --> <form name="myform" method="POST" action=""> <!-- Other fields can be added to enable you to collect additional data on the payment page --> Email: <input type="text" name="email"> <!-- The hidden values below can be set in the callback function as they are returned when creating the session --> <input type="hidden" name="sessionId" id="sessionId"> <img id="visaCheckoutButton" alt="Visa Checkout" role="button" class="v-button" style="display: none;" src=""/> <div id="amex-express-checkout"></div> </form> <!-- JAVASCRIPT FRAME-BREAKER CODE TO PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST IFRAME CLICK-JACKING --> <script type="text/javascript"> if (self === top) { var antiClickjack = document.getElementById("antiClickjack"); antiClickjack.parentNode.removeChild(antiClickjack); } else { top.location = self.location; } PaymentSession.configure({ session: "<your_session_ID>", fields: { // Attach hosted fields to your payment page card: { number: "#card-number", securityCode: "#security-code", expiryMonth: "#expiry-month", expiryYear: "#expiry-year", nameOnCard: "#cardholder-name" }, giftCard: { number: "#gift-card-number", pin: "#gift-card-pin" }, ach: { accountType: "#ach-account-type", bankAccountHolder: "#ach-account-holder", bankAccountNumber: "#ach-account-number", bankAccountNumberConfirmation: "#ach-account-number-confirmation", routingNumber: "#ach-routing-number" }, directDebitCanada: { accountType: "#account-type", bankAccountHolder: "#bank-account-holder", bankAccountNumber: "#bank-account-number", transitNumber: "#transit-number", financialInstitutionNumber: "#financial-institution-number", bankAccountNumberConfirmation: "#bank-account-number-confirmation" } }, frameEmbeddingMitigation: ["javascript"], callbacks: { initialized: function(response) { // HANDLE INITIALIZATION RESPONSE if (response.status === "ok") { document.getElementById("visaCheckoutButton").style.display = 'block'; } }, formSessionUpdate: function(response) { // HANDLE RESPONSE FOR UPDATE SESSION if (response.status) { if ("ok" == response.status) { console.log("Session updated with data: " +; //check if the security code was provided by the user if (response.sourceOfFunds.provided.card.securityCode) { console.log("Security code was provided."); } //check if the user entered a MasterCard credit card if (response.sourceOfFunds.provided.card.scheme == 'MASTERCARD') { console.log("The user entered a MasterCard credit card.") } } else if ("fields_in_error" == response.status) { console.log("Session update failed with field errors."); if (response.errors.cardNumber) { console.log("Card number invalid or missing."); } if (response.errors.expiryYear) { console.log("Expiry year invalid or missing."); } if (response.errors.expiryMonth) { console.log("Expiry month invalid or missing."); } if (response.errors.securityCode) { console.log("Security code invalid."); } if (response.errors.number) { console.log("Gift card number invalid or missing."); } if ( { console.log("Pin invalid or missing."); } if (response.errors.bankAccountHolder) { console.log("Bank account holder invalid."); } if (response.errors.bankAccountNumber) { console.log("Bank account number invalid."); } if (response.errors.routingNumber) { console.log("Routing number invalid."); } } else if ("request_timeout" == response.status) { console.log("Session update failed with request timeout: " + response.errors.message); } else if ("system_error" == response.status) { console.log("Session update failed with system error: " + response.errors.message); } } else { console.log("Session update failed: " + response); } } }, interaction: { displayControl: { formatCard: "EMBOSSED", invalidFieldCharacters: "REJECT" } } }); function pay(paymentType) { // UPDATE THE SESSION WITH THE INPUT FROM HOSTED FIELDS if (paymentType === 'giftCard') { PaymentSession.updateSessionFromForm(paymentType, '<localCardBrand>'); } else { PaymentSession.updateSessionFromForm(paymentType); } } </script> </body> </html>